Posts filed under Donation

Zakat Means Muslim Donation!

In a time of dramatic world change, we know that some of you don't know what to do with yourselves. "How can I help?" you've asked. Might we suggest making a generous Zakat to the #GoodMuslimBadMuslim podcast? "Zakat" in Muslim-speak means "donation" - and if you like what you've heard us say, laugh and cry in the past 2 years of the podcast, make a donation! Your funds will help cover equipment cost, staff time, website maintenance and snacks. We'll send you exclusive #GoodMuslimBadMuslim stickers, and for a really generous donation, we'll mail you a super duper extra special Safety Pin - wear it on your lapel, on your hat, on your shoe - and let the world know you are a #GoodMuslimBadMuslim branded ally.

GMBM Stickers
Give Us Zakat
Posted on November 18, 2016 and filed under Donation.